Solutions from the Land (SfL)

Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC)

Solar Impulse Foundation

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)

Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF)

Solar Cookers International (SCI)

Solar Century

Soka Gakkai International Office for UN Affairs

Society of Jesus Trust of 1929 for Roman Catholic Purposes

Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries (SCMM)

Society for Threatened Peoples International (STPI)

Society for the Environment (SocEnv)

Society for Rural Development (GBS)

Society for Peoples Education and Economic Change (SPEECH)

Society for Participatory Action and Reflection (SPAR)

Société Météorologique de France (SMF)

Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC)

Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental (SPVS)

Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA)

Sociedad Peruana de Ecodesarrollo (SPDE)

Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA)

Sociedad Meteorologica de Cuba (SOMETCUBA)

Sociedad Cubana para la Promoción de las Fuentes Renovables de Energía y el Respeto Ambiental (CUBASOLAR)

San Francisco Carbon Collaborative (SFCC)

Rhodes University

Rideau Institute on International Affairs

Rights and Resources Institute Inc

Rio de Janeiro Environmental Exchange

Rios to Rivers

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Robert Bosch Foundation

Rock Environment and Energy Institute

Rockefeller Brothers Fund Inc

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Inc Climate Nexus

Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universitat Bonn

Rheinisch Westfalisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung eV

Russian Social Ecological Union

Saami Council Headquarters

Scotlands International Development Alliance

Scientists Warning Europe

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR)

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)

Sciences Po (FNSP)

Science Museum of Minnesota

School of Environmental Studies Education Foundation (SES)

Sawa For Development Association (SAFD)

Saving Our Planet (SOP)

Save the Children International

Sauvons Le Climat (SLC)

Saudi Green Building Forum (SGBF)